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Why I Chose to Start Hometown Law

Updated: Jun 11, 2020

Look, starting a law firm right out of law school is almost certainly not the best idea. And yet, here I am.

So let me tell you why I am doing this and how I decided to start my own firm.


For most of my adult life I have wrestled with what to do with my career. I have a clear vision of what I want to accomplish with my life but unfortunately that vision did not include guidance on any specific job.

I went to law school because I want to help other people improve their place in life. I have lived a very comfortable and fortunate life. As a result I feel an obligation to help those who have not enjoyed the same privileges that I have.

I want to make Kansas City a better place to live. I want to be involved in my community and to help those who are left behind. I became a lawyer because I buy into the idea that lawyers can help other people improve their lives and provide positive leadership in their communities.

Fortunately my time in law school provided me some direction. I found I was happiest when I used my education to benefit other people.

When I negotiated with debtors for a young family who could not afford to make payments on their medical debt, when I stood up to an USCIS officer and fought for a woman trying to enter our country and escape horrible circumstances in her previous home, and when I participated as a man, entirely undeserving of prison time, was acquitted by a jury, it was in these moments I felt I was close to accomplishing something with my life.

Two years ago I was in Washington D.C. working in a business role, trying to pivot out of the law, when I began participating in product interviews with solo and small firm attorneys in Florida. And I realized what I wanted to do. I found a way to, in my mind, mix helping other people with something else I have always wanted to do, starting my own business.

That is why I have started my own law firm right out of law school. I want to run my own business; be my own boss, pick my clients, and become involved in my community. I feel that starting a law firm will help me to do those things.


As I begin this adventure I absolutely must make mention of my immensely capable, talented, intelligent, and beautiful wife. Without her, I would not be able to chase this dream.

She worked extremely hard to get her bachelors in computer science in 2.5 years. As I started law school she went to work, and selflessly paid for all of my law school, allowing me to graduate debt free.

Not only has she made this venture possible, but she has been my closest friend and confidant. When I have been too scared to follow this dream it is her belief in me that has carried me on. If I am only able to believe in myself as much as she believes in me, well, I might just be able to make this thing work.

I must also mention my fearless mother whose lifelong example of working to benefit other people has left a deep impact on me. Additionally, her success in starting her business has been an inspiration to me and has led me to believe, I might just be able to do this.


All of that said, I am really grateful to those of you who have already liked my law firm on Facebook. If you have not already, please do check out my Facebook page and give me a like.

And if you need an attorney, please think of me.

(816) 839-4036

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